Command Line
can be run in terminal using the following commands
To run HPF-SpecMatch
on a target spectrum:
$ python [-h] [--savefolder SAVEFOLDER] [--orders ORDERS [ORDERS ...]] [--vsinimax VSINIMAX] filename object
Required Arguments
Name of the target spectrum file (e.g. input/G_9-40/Slope-20190301T024821_R01.optimal.fits)
Name of object to reduce; SIMBAD or TIC Queryable (e.g. G_9-40)
Optional Arguments
Output directory to save result files (e.g. --savefolder results)
Which HPF orders to run; orders 4, 5, 6, 14, 15, 16, and 17 recommended as they are the cleanest orders with minimal tellurics (e.g. --orders 5 17)
Maximum v sin i to fit for in km/s (e.g. --vsinimax 20)
Example code to run HPF-SpecMatch with G 9-40 spectrum
$ python --savefolder results --orders 4 5 6 14 15 16 17 --vsinimax 20 input/G_9-40/Slope-20190301T024821_R01.optimal.fits G_9-40
To run the leave-one-out cross-validation process and assess the stellar library performance for a given order:
$ python [-h] [--df_lib DF_LIB] [--HLS HLS] [--savefolder SAVEFOLDER] [--plot_results] order
Required Arguments
Which HPF order to use for cross-validation; orders 4, 5, 6, 14, 15, 16, and 17 recommended as they are the cleanest orders with minimal tellurics (e.g. 5 17)
Optional Arguments
Path to stellar library csv (defaults to installation library csv file)
List of stellar library fits files (defaults to installation library)
Output directory to save result files (e.g. --savefolder results)
Save cross validation summary plots; flag to plot results
Example code to run stellar library cross-validation with HPF Order 17
$ python --savefolder results --plot_results 17